Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Get A Life Mann

hello hello. i'm back. Tee hee (smbil buat muke tak bersalah) '_________'
First of all, its is still me. The same Simaa.
Today, I would like to tell you where am I.


This is the place. PERIS for short. haha

And and , meet my friend
She is Miza and also my roomate.

adorable ok. Tapi tapi, dah berpunya.

This is Atyka a/p latif. Known as LEEYA. Ntah mana datang leeya pun tak tau.

Btw, ily even you punye cerita asyik nak melatop jahh ok.

Act, tanak cerita pun pasal bende ni. aaaaa aaaa. Cam ner eh nak bagi tau.
Its doesn't matter that you said you will wait for another 10 years and its currently make me fell like you are so not into me. But then, the way you talk and know too much about me its a GOOD SIGN until I can guaranty that we will be together.

So, raise your hands guys and make the doa and IsyaAllah kalau ada jodoh tak kemana ye takkk?

peace no war okeh? 0-0 balik eh,,,,